Pet must be at least 4 months of age to have surgery
No pets over 3 years old
No brachycephalic pets (Ex: Bulldogs or persian)
We accept feral cats. Please let us know if you will be trapping
Cats must come in a secured hard plastic carrier. Please make sure carrier is secured BEFORE coming in. No soft/backpack carriers or wired crates will be permitted!
If you don't have a carrier we have used ones for sale for $10-$25 depending on size. (Please ask for availability)
We have traps available to rent with a $60 deposit. Deposit can be put towards surgery cost.(Please ask for availability)
Dogs must be on a leash
When you arrive for drop off, please remain in your vehicle. Surgery tech will guide you in when ready.
Allow about 15 minutes for check in
Please do not honk for our attention!
Surgery Appointments
We book 2 months ahead of time and spots fill up very fast. When we open our surgery schedule, we ask that you call and leave a message on the answering machine. Please provide the following:
Your name, phone number, breed, weight, sex and age of pet
All numbers will be called in the order received. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND we only have one phone line. We usually receive over 50+ calls who need appointments. Make sure to save our number or answer when we call, otherwise it will be hard to get through.
Pre-surgical Instructions
No food or water after 10pm the night before surgery
Do not feed in the morning of surgery. Failure to do so will require us to reschedule surgery.
If your pet is on any medications please talk to a staff member